BEL ooo BEL.. | *mind massage*

-bidan&paman kampung ternama-

BEL ooo BEL..

tade ak nak story2 skit psl ap y 26 other friend komen pasal presentation subjek english ak..hua3~

my topic for public speaking is about:"Anesthetic Awareness" not prepare..ppt slide last minute..haha..mari kite tgok ap y diorg komen..

  1. Video\visual aids...good example
  2. Topic
  3. Eye contact
  4. confident 
  5. Extreme???
  6. Showing a good capability to speak if more prepare.
  7. very Informative
  8. Body languages.
  1. hand inside pocket...*ak sedar ni* =D
  2. Video is scary, too much to handle, unappropriated languages on the video *as i expected*
  3. not in order.
  4. Silent moment/pauses.
  5. remember point/ stop looking at notes
  6. prepared + practice
  7. simple slide..   =D
  8. voice sometimes to slow..
  9. more fluent
ohohoh....what i like the most are all the comments on video aids..for some reason i keep the subtitle for the video achive my terpampang la perkataan y tak sepatotnya such as "f****** hurts" is taken from movie AWAKE...lakonan Hayden Christensen + Jessica Alba..ak terkenang2 cite giler...hahaha..dah ak agak mesti ad yang taksanggup tgok visual aids ni~..hu3~

Trailer sudah..nak movie mintak kat aku eyh~

plot cite ni agak lambat dan seronok.something unexpected
dari awal hingga akhir mmg best dan berkait..
ak sarankan korang tengok la cite ni~

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